Monday, February 6, 2012

Brushing hair and hair loss?

For the past month when I have been brushing my hair the hair brush has been full of hairs the hair does not come out in clumps there just seems to be a LOT of fine hairs in the bruush is this normal?Brushing hair and hair loss?
If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, you may be beginning your annual Spring/Summer shedding, you and cats and dogs, etc.

If you're authentically worried, clear your brush and count the new-ly lost hairs daily. If you have longer hair 20-30 strands, normal *low* daily loss, will look like a *lot*.

Hair also grows faster in the Spring and Summer.

Again, if you're authentically worried, finger-comb your hair first, saving strands for counting and don't brush your scalp, just the ends while you firmly grasp areas of hair with the other hand, so you minimize tugging on the hair roots.Brushing hair and hair loss?
Yes. Most people lose 100-200 hairs per day, and most of that lands in the brush. Nothing to worry about. =)
hair loss is normal for people, your hair folical can probably grow around 20 more times after they lost thier first hair, so don't worry about it, if it become serious, you can go see a doctor and see what caused the hairloss and eliminate the source.

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