I am african american. I just started growing my perm out about 2 1/2 months ago. My hair reaches my color bone and its thick. I obviously have plenty of new growth. I'm trying not to cave and just get a perm lol I want to get a hair cut kindve like rhianna's. It's cute but I hate that a lot of people are wearing it. If you have any alternate hair styles i'd love to see them. I just don't want a fade (like amber rose) or anything like that and I'm trying not to do any more weaves. To see a few pictures of me go to www.myspace.com/juici_chero please help!!!! my hair is driving me crazy!!! LOL Thanks you guys! oh yeah, if anyone can recommend any good products and flat irons that would be great too.Can you grow out your perm and wear a short hair cut?
i wear my hair up a lot once ive let it grow out to be put up, that saves from the temptation of getting it cut off, there are a lot of updos that look great, mine is almost short pony tail length and you wont see it down until its too long to keep up, i have thick hair, gives me a headache when i wear it up if its too long. try this for growth and healthy hair..so try this...regular trims are a must, about every 7-9 weeks.(if your hair is really healthy then up the trims to about every 12 weeks, a trim is just a snip off the ends) if its been awhile since you have had a trim then inches may be called for to get to healthy hair. i use vitamin e on fresh washed hair.(its a vitamin that can be purchased where you buy vitamins, cut open capsule, squeeze into hand, rub hands together and apply to hair) dont message into scalp. if you get too much then just rewash it. hair will feel slightly sticky until dry then it will be nice and soft. it tames the frizzies, deep conditions and makes hair grow about three in a month. it takes about a month for the growth part of the e to kick in. the other benefits are instant. dont brush your hair but maybe once a week to message the scalp, i use a wide tooth comb at other times. brushing breaks off hair. i just started biotin vitamins going on three months ago this sat and notice and big growth spurt from that. biotin is cheap and also promotes hair regrowth and growth. i also have the biotin shampoo that i got from a vitamin store online. five bucks for a big bottle and a big bottle of E is about 8 bucks. the biotin is about 3 bucks. i now take my fingers and message my scalp about five times a week, along with the brushing thats a good way to do it without damaging your hair. apply two or three capsules of e to dry hair and message into scalp and hair really well, put damp towel in microwave for 1 min to get hot, then quickly wrap head, a dry towel can be placed over that to help hold in the heat, leave on for 15 min, makes an excellent hot oil treatment. good luck
Thursday, January 26, 2012
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