Thursday, January 26, 2012

How can I adjust to my girlfriend's new short hair cut?

I've been with her over 3 years, and for about 2 years she's been threatening to cut off all her beautiful hair, for reasons such as comfort, change. I used to tell her jokingly that I would break up with her if she did. More recently, I kind of just asked her not to cut it too short whenever she brought it up.

Last week she got it done out of the blue, and its really short, like a boys, shorter than mine. It is quite stylish and I told her I liked it, but despite the fact I recognise it is stylish, I just don't find it sexually attractive. Last night we were going to have sex, and I put my hand around her neck and felt the thin hair at the back of her head. Then I started thinking about it too much...then I couldn't go through with the sex.

I knew it would upset her to tell her why I didn't want the sex anymore, so I wasn't going to say. After enough pestering I eventually told her that I'm just not yet accustomed to her new look, and she cried.

It sounds really shallow but its not like I can help what I am and am not attracted to. I had warned her, for like 2 years. Please don't say 'break up with her over a hairstyle' because we are very much in love and quite committed now, having just bought a house together.

Hair will grow back. I believe the problem is in my mind, that somehow I have to get past the new look and find her sexy again. How can I do this? Or do you think it will just come over time?How can I adjust to my girlfriend's new short hair cut?
Hahaha love it!!

She should have known not to make any major changes to her appearance unless you were comfortable with it - obviously you were not - it's an unwritten rule in any relationship. You get used to a person's feel and appearance after all those years and then you wake up one morning and it's like there's someone else there.

You'll hopefully get used to her new look, but the fact she cut it so short even though you'd made it clear you preferred it long. says something too. Sure it's her hair, and she can have it any way she wants blah blah but it's also YOUR hair. Part of the girl you fell for. But she couldn't compromise for you. Shame she couldn't find alternative styles/perms etc as there's so much you can do with long hair to change your look without actually cutting it all off.How can I adjust to my girlfriend's new short hair cut?
that happened to my guy!


it was a big turnoff because i loved his hair.

but it just made me want to get to know him as a person more and i just went over our memories to subconsiously remind myself that it's still him

answer my question now please?;/a>

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