It takes me forever to brush it and i think it is breaking the hair....What's the best way to brush hair to prevent split ends.?
a hot oil treatment is the BEST thing to do. but my bff has serious split ends and she used a hot oil treatment and her hair looks fonominal.What's the best way to brush hair to prevent split ends.?
First of all, conditioners help prevent split ends. It's not bad for hair, it is actually really good for hair. Chemicals on the other hand, it's good for you to be avoiding. Also, most split ends are very hard to see, if you can see them at all. My hair was getting really tangled at the ends for a while, but I didn't see any split ends. I even asked my family and friends and they didn't notice anything. As soon as I got my hair cut it felt so much healthier. So even if you don't SEE any split ends, you should trim your hair at least every six months.
You should use a wide tooth comb and gently brush out the knots after the shower. Leave in conditioner will also help to protect the hair from breaking.
Here you go!>>
I also recommend that you use a conditioner every time you shampoo because shampoo's dry out your hair giving it split ends, as well as incorrect brushing. Here another link on how to brush hair:
Conditioner's moisturize your hair! :)
No you should go to a salon because they use special kind of scissors and stuff and they know probably more than you do about cutting off those split ends so I say go about every couple of months to get your ends trimmed. Using conditioner is actually great for your hair, so you should start using it and washing your hair too often will cause breakage!!!
Shannon R has the right idea...NEVER pull your hair! Purchase a good conditioner or detangler..You really can't afford NOT to with long hair and expect it to be healthy... Right - with a thick pick or wide toothed comb start at the bottom as Shannon says after apply the datangler and you will notice there will be no major pull on the hair.. a little lengthy ( but shouldn't be bad with the detangler/conditoner) but 'pulling' the hair 'breaks' it.....
why don't you use conditioners...that's crazy...that's why your hair is breaking...and brushing actually damages hair...if u still against conditioning your hair..when you get out of the shower and your going to brush your hair...start from the bottom up, because it will cause less tears in the hair meaning less damage...but good luck..
brush with a boar hair bristle brush that has metal pieces in it too, but not when it is wet
dont straighten
most important- ALWAYS USE A COMB!! never rip through hair with a comb or brush, alays work slowly
never brush hair when it is wet, only use combs
good luck!
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Dry hair / Oily-greasy hair/ Splitends>
How to avoid Splitends>
Start at the tips and work your way to the top. This helps prevent split ends.
brushing ur hair makes it healthy, not much longer.
cutting your trims at least once a month helps it to grow long though!!
well your suppose to go and trim you hair thats what will make it longer. and brushing you hair makes it healthy. (:
cut it one time in a month.and brushing is healthey too.
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