Thursday, January 26, 2012

Could I pull off a bob/short hair cut? Opinions please!?

I've had long hair for quite some time and frankly, I'm sick of dealing with it all the time. And since summer's coming up, I'm debating cutting it very short, possibly some sort of bob. I'm five foot two and very petite with dirty blonde hair. Some people have told me short hair makes a short girl look taller. I need some help making up my mind... Also, should I get the bangs cut back in? I'm a horseback riding instructor over the summer and I figured they would get in the way.>

The one in purple obviously, haha. Excuse the sweat.>

The one in brown.>

Again, the one in brown.>

Excuse the face. lol.>

Thanks for any help! =)Could I pull off a bob/short hair cut? Opinions please!?
leave your hair as is, a bob is no good b/c of what you want to do in the summer in my opinion. sometimes you need to be able to pull it back. plus it looks really pretty, i would def. leave it.Could I pull off a bob/short hair cut? Opinions please!?
Your hair appears to be thick and naturally mine. I would be afraid that your hair would look like a triangle if you cut it that short. If you went to someone really great who could layer it well so that it didn't get poofy then you may be able to pull it off but that's a risky move.
idts bec u have layers and maybe u cld do a long bob and it wld look good with ur bangs short

and ur hair looks thin and it wld need more volume to have a short bob
I dont think you should get it.

short hair wouldnt compliment your face.

I love that last picture,your style is amazing (:
Yes, i think a bob about chin length could work for you
Yeah you could :)
Oh no, please don't cut your hair, that would look very unattractive.....really.
you look really pretty like that . stick with it!!!
wrong face shape for short hair, but i think it needs a trim and re styling
honey stay with your style
honestly no ur hair is fine and i know its hard i have long hair but no dont cut it it would look horrible
I am 5 ft 2, quite petite and used to have the same hair colour as you and guess what? Now I have a bob! Hehe. I think you could pull it off and with decent straighteners it is very easy to handle. It looks very sleek and is super stylish at the mo.

About the bangs, I used to have a side fringe and that looked fine. I think it would look great with a side fringe (bang).

It is fine to tie up as long as you have kirby grips or hair slides because at chin length, some hair does fall out of a ponytail.

I think you should go for it (:

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