Thursday, January 26, 2012

Does anybody have any ideas for a short hair cut?

My hair is around mouth length and I've made a hair appointment to get it cut. I was wondering if anybody had any intresting ideas about what I should get because my hair is currently drawing me out, making me look sickly and it keeps getting in my eyes. If it's possible I'd like something with bangs that are't too short

This is me... a few weeks ago

And this is what length I usually cut my hair to

But I'm bored of it because it gets pretty repetitive.

And suggestions?Does anybody have any ideas for a short hair cut?
check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips->Does anybody have any ideas for a short hair cut?
girl the BOP is totally in right now!! do it!!

the back shorter with the front a tad bit longer ..just ask a hairstlyist to do the boP they will know...
a graduated bob would be perfect, take the length up in the back and a little off the front , keeping the front a little longer, it really in right now and elegant!
i LOVE the hair that Victoria beckham has! it's SO adorable. also, something like Rihanna's hair is always classic but strong

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