Sunday, January 29, 2012

What's my face shape? Considering getting a shorter hair cut.?

I was thinking about getting my hair cut short. Not short-short, but like one of those cute angled bobs. :] I was just wondering if I have the face shape to pull it off. I don't really know what my face shape is and am having trouble figuring it out. Tell me what you think! Thanks.>>What's my face shape? Considering getting a shorter hair cut.?
I think it's kind of round and heart.What's my face shape? Considering getting a shorter hair cut.?
This web page tells you how to determine your face shape (in, like, 1 minute):>

Plus they have a ton of pictures (including bobs)>

From your pictures, I think you could definitely pull off a bob!
You'd have to pull your hair back and clip your bangs out of your face to get a true description, but to me it look a bit like a heart shaped face. An angled bob looks good on most people, so you could definitely go for it. Good luck!
i believe if you left the bangs as is you would pull it off nicely, but that's just my opinion

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