Monday, February 6, 2012

Does brushing hair a lot help it grow?

Erm, if you're black then brushing too much might cause your hair to break and then you'll have the opposite effect of what you're trying to acomplish. On average, hair grows 1/2 inch per month, or 6 inches per year. Some people's hair will grow slower and others will grow faster. Most people will probably fall within the average.

Your hair is most likely growing from the scalp. It's either not growing as fast as you want it to, or it's breaking off at the ends which is keeping you from attaining longer length. You'll either have to be patient as your hair grows. My hair grows within the average and over 6 months I have experienced 3 inchs of growth with no breakge, and, with keeping this up, I plan on having shoulder-length hair exactly one year to the date that I cut it to less than 1 inch.

Focus on length retention (keeping your hair from breaking off) and this will help your hair grow longer than it is now.> - This thread might be of interest to you. - You can get tips and advice on how to grow and maintain healthy hair.Does brushing hair a lot help it grow?
It helps the blood flow well in the scalp.Does brushing hair a lot help it grow?
not sure, but i know that massaging the scalp helps the blood flow and helps your hair grow.
yeah it stimulates the scalp

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